Are Weeb There Yet?
An Exploration and Education in Anime!

AWTY 50 - Thot Entity (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)

4 years ago
Speaker A:

Is that supposed to be funny? Hello and welcome to our week. There yet an exploration and education and anime. I'm your anime idiot, patrick dugan.

Speaker B:

I'm dana hollander and I can't wait to see what Brendan came up with for this one.

Speaker C:

And I'm brenda mccullough, your anime border collie of naruto zama kitty. Guys, I had nothing, I really had nothing with this one.

Speaker B:

Trying to rhyme, kind of, because I.

Speaker C:

Don'T know what it's about.

Speaker A:

I definitely thought you were going to go the smashing pumpkins round.

Speaker C:

Oh, you gave me way too much music credit. I don't know music.

Speaker A:

I know you love old.

Speaker C:

I do like smashing pumpkins. That's fair.

Speaker B:

I thought you would have gone with the route of middle school angst, because that's when I watched this. It's selfish of me.

Speaker C:

I don't even know if this takes place in middle school or if it's just like I know very little about this, so I don't have a lot of work with the titles.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Yeah, well, time is never time at all, so let's get to it. Data, what do we have going on this month?

Speaker B:

Well, this is episode 50, the big 50. So I thought I'd take things back to, as I said in the last episode, the first anime that I loved, which was the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya.

Speaker A:

We got a relic here. We got an artifact. Everyone put on your glow.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Be careful, it's fragile.

Speaker C:

So are we pretty sure this came.

Speaker B:

Out in 2006, but I watched it when I was in 7th grade, so that would be I watched it in 2008 or 2009.

Speaker C:

Somewhere in there, man, I would have been 15. It would have been prime age for me if I knew this existed and.

Speaker A:

I watched none of it at all. Shocking. Every premise of the show, I got to keep you on your toes for 50 episodes.

Speaker B:

You called yourself an anime idiot. You can't change things now.

Speaker A:

No, we are keeping it consistent, if nothing else.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Although you dropped anime expert this week, I wasn't going to let you get past that unscathed.

Speaker B:

I'm sorry. I thought of it and I had to do it. But neither of you know about this show, then?

Speaker C:

Yeah, if there's a show dugan does know about, we probably won't cover it because that's the premise of this time we watched. Yeah, that's right.

Speaker B:

Wow. I'm the champion. I'm the champion of Harihy Suzamiya.

Speaker C:

You're paving the way.

Speaker A:

So, yeah, you said this was the first show you watched or loved. I can't remember which one it was.

Speaker B:

Gasno was the first show that I watched to completion. And then this show was the first one I really loved.

Speaker A:

Got you.

Speaker B:

Haruhi was my first cosplay when I was 13 years old. I did it the summer between my 7th grade year and 8th grade. I'll think about posting a picture on Twitter. I'd really rather not. I'd really rather not.

Speaker A:

That's fine.

Speaker C:

Don't have to.

Speaker B:

That one's forky.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I know a lot about well, no, I don't know a lot about this. I know it's popular, though. I've seen it around. I've seen cosplay of it. I think May and overwatch one of her dance emote is based off this show.

Speaker B:

Yes, I forgot. If you think I don't know that dance, you're wrong.

Speaker C:

Of course you know that dance.

Speaker A:

I didn't know that. And she's my main really?

Speaker C:

We're going to have to talk after this. Go to jerk. I don't know, man's.

Speaker B:

Good. I'm a diva mane just to get that all out there, just so everybody knows.

Speaker A:

Yeah, we got to air this out real quick. We have not discussed and that is the most popular anime, but sometimes I.

Speaker B:

Like to play torbjorn. If I'm on defense, I exclusively play.

Speaker C:

Now because choice isn't deserving of overwatch players.

Speaker B:

Anyways, I chose episodes one, three and four.

Speaker C:

Fuck two.

Speaker A:

Get the fuck out of here.

Speaker B:

Yeah. You're dead to us.

Speaker A:

All right, shall we get super bummed and watch?

Speaker B:

Let's get bittersweet hard.

Speaker A:

Right turn on episode four.

Speaker B:

I don't know.

Speaker C:

I thought the heart rate turn on episode three.

Speaker B:

Yeah, you could argue that episode three was the sharp turn.

Speaker A:

I mean, yeah, but, like, tonally, that all came in four.

Speaker B:

Yeah, that's true.

Speaker C:

Oh, you're right. Okay. Yeah. Now I know what you're saying. Got you. There's a lot in the show.

Speaker B:

There's a lot to talk about.

Speaker C:

It's a lot going on.

Speaker A:

But, yeah, let's dive right in.

Speaker B:

Oh, I'm so excited.

Speaker A:

So, episode one, we have our main character, edgy little boys talking about how Santa isn't real. I didn't believe in Santa. Santa ever. yo, he can go straight to hell for all I care. I'm the cool man. But, yeah, he's talking about he's never believed in the extraterrestrial magical stuff of childhood, so he quickly wrote off, like, the TV adventure stuff of sci-fi and fantasy and mysteries of the supernatural, and he wishes he believed, but it's not fair.

Speaker C:

It's a fucking buzzkill.

Speaker A:

Boring person annoy me. I like keona. No, I like him, too, but right out of the gate, being like, all that baby shit.

Speaker C:

You cannot believe in it and still enjoy it. You don't have to believe in it to enjoy it.

Speaker B:

That's true.

Speaker A:

Yeah. I was getting similar vibes from what's his face from kids on the slope of starting out, being, like, all these idiots who don't like classical music.

Speaker B:

I feel that.

Speaker A:

So, yeah, it's the first day of school. Check it off the card and being introduced to the new classroom. He's saying, hey, that's me. I'm boring and normal.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

And then we get the introduction of our titular character, haruhi, who stands up to introduce herself to the class and immediately says, hey, fuck you. If you're an alien, time traveler, esper, anything like that, come head out. I'm starting again. All right. So naturally, everyone's like, what the fuck.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

And she's, like, dead serious. She's not like I think that's the first thing that caught me off guard with this show is, like, everything I've seen seemed very bubbly and colorful and uppy, and our introduction to haru is just, like, super deadpan. Like, yo, this is what I'm about. Fuck off. If you're not in, don't waste my time. Real serious, I got to talk to sasquatch now. Just like, dead serious. I was just like, oh, damn.

Speaker B:

Are you the mothman? No. Then get out of my face.

Speaker C:

Why am I talking?

Speaker A:

Quit wasting my time.

Speaker B:

Why are you talking to me? I love her.

Speaker A:

And so does our main character, who I did not mention is named kion or nicknamed kian.

Speaker C:

I don't think we get his name for a while.

Speaker B:

You never know his real name.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Yeah. Even the nickname is introduced, like, halfway through this episode. But yeah, he's immediately so interested because she's beautiful and a weirdo, so perfect combination. So he starts asking around his new classmates. What's her deal? Talks to some of her old middle school classmates to figure out what's up, and basically they're like, oh, yeah, she's super crazy. She's obsessed with aliens and the supernatural and all paranormal stuff. She hijacked one of the machines that you draw lines in a sports field with and drew alien symbols around chalk markers. Yeah, she's a serial dater who will agree to date anyone, but that can last anywhere from, like, five minutes to a week.

Speaker C:

There's one part where kian's theme to himself, quote, as long as haruhi is sitting quietly, she's like any other extremely beautiful high school girl. And I'm just like, that's shitty. Yeah, that that really stood out.

Speaker A:

As long as she's hot and keeps her mouth yeah, she's normal, then who gives a shit?

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Yeah. Who cares if she's a weirdo if.

Speaker C:

She doesn't experience that just really stood out to me. I'm like, oh, this is a bad way to endear us to a main character.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I love his friends. Aside, though, when he's telling him about her dating life, and he's like, the shortest one was five minutes, and then there's, like, a flashback of her being like, I don't want to waste my time. And then he says, then why the hell did you say okay? That's what I heard.

Speaker C:

That's what he told me. It's not me.

Speaker A:

It's not me would do that. She's super eccentric. We get a big old info dump. I mentioned before recording, this is the first time we have, like, a manic pixie dream girl infode dump, so something unique.

Speaker C:

I'm surprised it took us as long as to get here, honestly.

Speaker A:

Yeah, but she's super eccentric. Every day she changes her hair so she has a new hairstyle, like, adding to it every day and then resetting on Monday. She's not afraid to change in front of the boys for gym class. She's just all over the place. Apparently. And keown is still super interested. So we get some time passed there a couple of weeks into the school year, I believe, and he decides one day to he sits right in front of her. So when he gets to class, he decides to finally ask, hey, what's up with your hair changing stuff? And rather than the typical answer that he normally gets of, fuck off, stupid normy local towny idiot, she actually responds and says, I associate each day of the week with a different color. So I tie my hair up with different color bands, and that requires a different hairstyle just to keep things flowing.

Speaker B:

She adds a tie every day too. So, like, Monday is zero. She doesn't have anything in her hair. Sunday is six. And keown straight up asks her, like, he says, do you change your hair every day to ward off alien invaders? And she's like, oh, you noticed. So, like, keown's a freak, too.

Speaker A:

Yeah, low key.

Speaker C:

He's not, like, rebuffing her. He's kind of, like kind of playing into it, just being like, okay. And not calling her after being a freak right away. So she's more cooperative.

Speaker A:

Yeah. She's taking her at face value and not immediately dismissing her, so she's building.

Speaker C:

Up some just sounds like she has synesthesia.

Speaker B:

I have that same kind of synesthesis that she has where I, like, associate colors with stuff.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And numbers.

Speaker C:

Yeah. I think someone I knew did it with numbers and colors, and it made him actually really good at math.

Speaker B:

Oh, that didn't help me.

Speaker A:

I've only known someone who had that with music and had to have a special driving playlist because if a song he didn't have associated is playing, he could just see a color and not be able to see that.

Speaker C:

Oh, jeez.

Speaker B:

Oh, God.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Fun stuff, but yeah. So the next day, he comes in and she cut her hair super short and is trying to figure out if it's because of the conversation they had about her hair. And they begin actually having conversations daily in that early morning preclass time. So in their chats, we learned that she's agreeing to date everyone because she really wants to date an alien so she can live an interesting life. Alien or paranormal person, psychic, time traveler, all that stuff.

Speaker B:

Also, bisexual icon, because she straight up says that she doesn't care if it's a boy or a girl.

Speaker A:

Hell yeah.

Speaker C:

Some of the classmates come up and say, oh, they've never seen Harvey talk that much.

Speaker A:

Yeah, they're trying to figure out his secret and why she's talking to him and no one else. Because everyone else gets the fuck off normy treatment.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

So they continue into the school year. They get new seat assignments. They draw numbers out of the hat, and they still end up killing right in front of haruhi just on the.

Speaker B:

Other side of the list.

Speaker A:

What a coincidence.

Speaker C:

But now they got a nice window to stare out. vacantly dreaming about what could be.

Speaker A:

Now it's an anime. Yeah. Why is just that back corner? Because the windows are always on the left side of the room. It's always the back corner where the main people sit. Add that to the bingo card.

Speaker B:

Window seats up.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

So something else I missed in my notes is that she also joins every extracurricular club, sort of just systematically trying everything. So he also asks about that, and she talks about how at her old school there was like a supernatural paranormal investigation club, but it was just a bunch of nerds hanging out and not actually doing investigation. And she was super bummed that that was fake. And haruhi says, hey, normal people are fine. They sort of see a need in the world and then they fill it. That's why we have technology and cars, because people wanted to get places. And naturally, she takes this as, it's good to start my own paranormal club because I want to will it into existence. So she is now finally going to have the interesting club she always wanted. And she names kion in charge of the set up and being one of the official members. So just like free, we have a rush to get new classmates to join and get this paranormal club going. In fact, the more direct comparison should be Mob psycho 100, where we also have this exact same thing.

Speaker B:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker C:

Later in my notes, I was appointed. I was thinking, I'm like, is the club leader from Mob psycho 100 supposed to be a parody of haruhi? Because now that I think about it, that's what the club leader was always after. She's like, I want to meet a psychic or an alien or something crazy. And I was like and I knew this show was popular, so I'm like, maybe this is an intentional parody.

Speaker A:

And I just feels like the Mob cycle origin story before Mob joins the group. Yeah, but yeah. So they take up the old literary club classroom because all the members graduated and they just adopt in. The only freshman member, Yuki, she's just a quiet little bookworm that's just going to sit in the corner and read and just technically be a member because no one else is in the literary club. And we also get a new member, Mikaru Haasuhita haita. I can't read my handwriting, but yeah.

Speaker B:

I appreciate that you try because you didn't need to.

Speaker A:

I legit cannot read my own handwriting because I'm a monster. Basically. She's trapped in the club. She's a junior. haruhi says they need a Moa member to be the cute mascot, basically, because in all the paranormal stories, it's always the beautiful, cute girl that has all the weird stuff happen. So they need bait, basically.

Speaker C:

Supernatural bait.

Speaker A:

Yeah. And then they name the club the sos Brigade, and that's basically where we end up.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

I feel like so you got a fun new spooky club, and they need to find new members.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Also, hari loves to assault Mikuru. It's so funny.

Speaker C:

She seems to assault everyone. It's just with Mikuru, it's, like, sexy.

Speaker B:

That's true. That's a good point. She is very aggressive. Mikuru also straight up quits the calligraphy Club, and she's just like I mean, I guess this is fine.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

She less recruits people and more what's the word? Kidnapsome. Probably a better word for that.

Speaker A:

Yeah, brigade. Something like capturing Navy v. People. I don't know. There's a word.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I'm thinking of, like, a military word, and I can't think of it.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

She can have some forces to join. Yeah, because she said she got me grew during recess. Quick question. Did you guys have recess in high school?

Speaker B:

I remember we talked about this at a party. We called this brunch, and everybody made fun of me. Yeah, we called it brunch. I had it in middle school and high school. We had, like, 20 minutes.

Speaker C:

Okay. I had, like, a study hall, and it was meant to be, like, here's where you do your work. Don't have fun. So it wasn't like reset. It was just like, do more work.

Speaker A:

Yeah, we had that. But we just had a cool teacher, so we just hung out.

Speaker C:

Yeah, my school. You had to pick what teacher you went to for that period, and if you didn't pick a teacher, like, two weeks in a row, you got detention for it. So we ended up going to our favorite teacher, like, every day for years.

Speaker B:

I guess I'm lucky. So let's move on to episode three. I skipped episode two. I don't even remember what happens in it. All you need to know is that at the end of the episode, yuki invites keon to her place to talk to him. So we're dropped in on this conversation, and Yuki starts out by saying, I'm an alien.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

So here we are. We get a big, old, kind of confusing info dump, and I was hoping I'd be able to understand it now, but I still don't.

Speaker C:

Just a little.

Speaker B:

Yeah. She explains that she's a part of the Data Integration Thought Entity that controls the universe.

Speaker A:

I'm also a part of the Thought Entity.

Speaker B:

Bitch thoughts assemble.

Speaker C:

We got booty shorts.

Speaker B:

Millennial Sluts.

Speaker A:

Millennial sluts from Space.

Speaker B:

She was sent by the Data Integration Thought Entity to observe haruhi because three years ago, there was an eruption of data from Earth, and it all came back to haruhi. Yuki is three years old. Like, she was created three years ago when that data eruption happened. She says she's an alien. She's more of a robot, really. She calls her she says she's an alien to be, like, to just, like, explain it easily, but kind of from then on. She calls herself an interface. Yeah. So the Data Integration Thought Entity believes that haruhi will be responsible for not only the auto evolution of stuff on Earth but stuff in the universe. So pretty much what that means is that haruhi can later she says that haruhi can turn her will into absolute data. So pretty much if she wants something to happen, it'll happen. But she doesn't know that. haruhi does not know that can literally.

Speaker A:

Will things into existence.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So Yuki says that the Data Integration Thought Entity doesn't communicate with language. And since humans have no way of communicating without it, they built interfaces. So there's more than Yuki on Earth to kind of observe what's going on and communicate with people and communicate with haruhi. So after she says all that, keon says, hold on. I am totally lost. Just fair.

Speaker A:

Same at all fair.

Speaker B:

And he says he doesn't understand why he's the one that Yuki is telling. And she says, Me neither. But haru, he chose you. And we kind of hear that throughout the episode. And we never really hear exactly what that means. Pretty much all it means is that haruhi has the hots for keon. Get it?

Speaker C:

She likes a cynical playing ball.

Speaker A:

Someone's got normy fever.

Speaker B:

Oh, my God. And after she I love this. Some of the dialogue in this show just cracks me up. Because after she tells him that haruhi can make whatever she wants, keown goes, no way. And in her monotone voice, she just goes way. Which is just so funny. So good.

Speaker A:

Yeah, there is some good writing in this. I watched all three dubbed and there is some clever turns of phrase.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I watched this episode subbed, and I think I missed that part because I was just scrambling to write notes. I was just like, oh, God, this is so much of what is that?

Speaker B:

I mean, I don't know how it would be.

Speaker C:

I was kind of lost in this.

Speaker B:

I don't know how it would be in the subs, but yeah. So he asks Yuki why she doesn't just tell haruhi this. And it's at that point that she's like, haru, he doesn't know that she has this power. And the Data Integration Thought Entity does not want her to know that she has this power because if she does, there's, like, this potential of just chaos and destruction. So don't tell her. And he says, I could go tell her everything you just told me. And she says she doesn't take you seriously.

Speaker C:

And he's like, you're a choice.

Speaker B:

That's true.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

You're right. She explains that she's not the only interface there. She says that others will use more proactive methods to get to haruhi and that keon would be in danger if one of them showed up. Because he's like, the direct line to haruhi. And then he goes home and he's looking at a book that Yuki lent him, and it's about aliens. And he's like, okay, yuki's just quiet and maybe a little crazy too, because she's just reading these books all the time. So at first he doesn't really believe her. He thinks she's just kind of nuts. And then the next day, I think.

Speaker C:

He also says she lives by herself. She does, because I think he also.

Speaker B:

She'S got no parents.

Speaker C:

She's aroa. But also check that on.

Speaker B:

Yeah, check her also the next day, mysterious transfer student, check. And haruhi is stoked out of her mind. She's like, oh, he came at a weird time in the school year, so he's got to be mysterious. And she wants to meet him real bad. And then it's after school, and keon goes to the club room, and he is surprised to see me. kuru there because of what happened the day before. I think what happened the day before is that hard. He forced her into a bunny girl costume. Pretty sure that's what happened.

Speaker C:

That innocent act.

Speaker B:

And she says she came back because she still has concerns. How vague and mysterious. And she doesn't disclose what they are. And Mikaru and keown at this time, they're like playing a game called a Fellow. I'm not really sure how it works. I've never played it. But Yuki sees it. Well, I think it has something to do with changing the colors of the tiles. I don't know. But Yuki sees it, and he's like, oh, you want to play? Have you ever played it? And she's like, no. And that she's stellar at it because she's a robot. And then Harvey gets there and she's like, yes, I have a new member. This is the boy. And he says, Hi, my name is Itski koi zumi. And I say, I love you. I love every character in the show. I don't know if it's just nostalgia, but I love them all. hari is annoying, but she's my bay.

Speaker A:

Everyone seems to be a good noodle.

Speaker B:

Yeah, they're all good eggs. Gold stars for all of them. So east, he's like, yeah, I mean, I'm down to join your club, but also, what is it? And Harvey says that the sole purpose of the sos Brigade is to find aliens, spurs, and time travelers and hang out with them.

Speaker C:

Be their buzz, just.

Speaker B:

Be friends with them. And I have great news for Harvey because she's already doing it. And Eatski is just like, go ahead.

Speaker C:

The espers the aliens and time travelers are the friends we made along the way.

Speaker B:

I'm glad I let you say that. That was good.

Speaker C:

Thank you for your permission.

Speaker A:

And Eatski, your form has been.

Speaker B:

Eatski is just like, down to chill, so he's just there to hang out. nikuru gets up to meet him and kind of trips over her feet, and Eatski helps her up. And keon gets mad because he wants to touch mekuru too, but he won't because he knows it's bad. I won't do it.

Speaker C:

He says he has yes, but now.

Speaker B:

They have five members, so the club is ready. yay. And then it's the next day. And then kion gets to the friggin club room and Mikuru is in her underwear because hari is forcing her out of her clothes. oops. And he slams the door and he's like, I'm so sorry. And then he goes back in and haruhi put her in a maid costume because maids are essential for moe. Of course, duh. duh.

Speaker C:

Of course, duh.

Speaker B:

And then haruhi is taking pictures of her being cute. And then she hands the camera to kion. She's like, let's get sexy. And she unbuttons the top of mekuru's dress. And he just like is taking pictures of haru. He harassing mikuru. And then she puts yuki's glasses on her and just the MOA is out of this world. And then eats key gets there and he har he's like, hell yeah. Let's all have fun with me. kuru. And he's like, I'm not going to do that. He says, I'm afraid.

Speaker C:

He just walks in and watches. I must have missed that.

Speaker B:

Yeah. He's like, I'll pass. I'm good. Thank you. But yeah, he just sits down and he's like, I'll hang out though. You guys have fun. And Keen is just like, hey, let's maybe stop her. Let's maybe stop haruhi from harassing me. karoo. Maybe. I don't know.

Speaker A:

Is that cool?

Speaker C:

That'D be cool, right, guys?

Speaker B:

And then the club time starts and haruhi is like, we've been such a success. We set up a website. We've handed out flyers. Things have been great when in reality, all they've really done is harass Me kuru every day. But she's complaining because no one's come to them with supernatural phenomena or mysteries. So she wants to go out and find some. So they meet up on a Saturday and they're hanging out. And then they split into groups. They draw straws, and keown gets paired with Mikuru. Wow. And haru, he seems a little peeved.

Speaker C:

Just a tad.

Speaker B:

Just a little bit. And she tells him not to goof around because this is serious. But once she walks off with izki and Yuki, mikuru is just like, so what do you want to do? So they go for a walk and they're just, like, talking. And Mikuru says she's never gone on a date before. Like, this is her first time walking alone with a boy. And keon says he finds that hard to believe because there must be boys to just line it up to date her. And she's like, oh, well, I can't date anyone because, keown, I have to tell you something. So she sits him down and she says, I know you're not going to believe me. This is going to sound crazy, but I'm not from this time plane. I'm from the future. So what, they're a time traveler? No way. What? I never would have guessed that one of them would also be a time traveler. And there's like a montage of her explaining time travel to kyo, which is like, great because I don't want to sit there and listen to another info dump about time travel. But she does say that something happened three years ago, just like you. He said, yeah, there was some weird time anomaly. So when they got back there to three years ago, they then couldn't go back any further to see where it came from. And at the center of this time distortion, you guessed it was haruhi kion. Yeah, that's the twist. And then she says she can't say much more because everything's classified.

Speaker A:

I have to kill you. But for real.

Speaker B:

And Mikuru says she's there to watch haruhi, just like Yuki is. And she also tells keown that haruhi chose him for whatever reason. And he starts asking her questions, but to each one of them, she says, that's classified. I'm sorry, I can't tell you. And she does say that Yuki and Etski are in similar positions to her, so she knows about them. Then he's like, this is all well and good. I kind of just want to put this all aside for now. I don't want to deal with this right now. And then he asks her how old she really is, and she says, that's classified.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And then they meet back up with the rest of the group. None of them found anything. shucks. They get lunch. They split into groups again, and Yuki is paired with keon. And again, harihi looks peeved. And then once harihi goes off with izki and Mikuru keown's like, hey, Yuki. And she's like, yeah. And he's like, that story you told me the other day? Not so crazy.

Speaker C:

Think about that.

Speaker B:

Yeah. And then they go to a library, and keon sits down and falls asleep. And then he wakes up to a phone call. They were supposed to meet back at the station, the train station, at 04:00 p.m., but it is now 430. And haruhi is mad, but Yuki doesn't want to leave the library because she's reading. And so he gets her a library card. And then they leave. And then they all return, and none of them found anything again. And hard, he gets mad at keon for not being able to find anything, even though she couldn't either. And now it's Monday, and it's hot, and hard he's grumpy. And then it's after school, and keon goes to the club room, and each key is there. And he just says, hey, do you have something you want to tell me?

Speaker C:

What's your shit? What's your deal to this now?

Speaker A:

You gotta be fucked up somehow.

Speaker B:

And so they go outside, they get some coffees, and East Key says that he's an esper shocker. Down the list we go.

Speaker A:

Got it.

Speaker C:

Shaking off their own bingo card.

Speaker B:

Yeah. And he says, I'll be able to prove it to you, but not right now. I'll show you something, but I can't. And then he explains. He says, this is a short version. It's not that short. And he says that three. Years ago, he got his powers, and then he joined some organization that also started three years ago. And the organization thinks that they're in a reality that an entity is showing them, and that entity is Haruhi. So essentially, this organization thinks that Haruhi is a god, which, I mean, based on the powers she has, she kind of is. And it's key pretty much says we're all here, me, Yuki and mikuru, because har, he wanted us to be. So now we're here, and he says that this particular world came into existence three years ago because Haruhi wanted it to. And if she becomes unhappy, she can also destroy it. So pretty much Eatski, Yuki and mikuru's job is just to keep hari happy and stable, or else this world is going to go to shit. And they don't want that.

Speaker C:

Keep taggling those keys. Keep them happy.

Speaker B:

And keon asks Izzki why he wouldn't tell hari this. Just has he asked Yuki, and he also asked me, kuru, that. And you think he'd learned by now that she's just not allowed to know because if she found out, something bad will happen. Just don't question it. Keown, you know her. You know that if she found out about this, something terrible would happen.

Speaker A:

She'll make you disappear. Literally. You'll blink out of the booty, she'll thanos you.

Speaker B:

And then Keown is like, well, if you're an esper, then prove it. Heat up my coffee. And etsy is like, that's not really how my powers work. In fact, I don't even really have powers most of the time, but I think I'll be able to show you them soon. Like, I promise, pinky promise, I'll show you my power soon. And then Eatski gets up to walk away, and he turns and he's like, oh, Keown, by the way, you're like, the biggest mystery in all of this. We don't know why Harvard he chose you. So I did some digging into your past, and I want you to know that you are just an ordinary human. Don't worry, you're exceedingly normal. And then he goes back to the club and mikuru and Yuki are there, but he says, horror. He never came that day. So, yeah, that's episode three. Yeah, it's a lot. I was worried about picking this episode because I thought that Yuki was the only one who revealed herself in it. I thought that mikuru and Etski talked about their stuff later, but now I'm really glad that I chose this one, because all three of them are like, hello, here's what is happening.

Speaker A:

Now it is my turn to reveal a deep, dark secret.

Speaker C:

I like that even kean is, like, annoyed by it, by etsy. He's like, all right, what's your shit? Let me hear it. Yeah, this whole song and dance I've been doing all week. Yeah. And then we get episode four. And it starts with Keown walking into class, and he sees haru. He's got her head down and ryoko.

Speaker B:

Rioco how do you pronounce it?

Speaker C:

Rioco. It's like the popular girl, pretty girl. keown's friend was like, oh, yeah, she's the hot one. She's the one you want to go after. And she comes up saying she's the one that said, keon is the only one that's been able to get Haruhi to talk to him. So if we have any problems, we're going to go to keon, who will then go to Haruhi. So that's basically all she's done at this point. And she comes up and says, like, hey, keon, make sure you take care of her. Make sure you take care of our special little Haruhi here.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

And he asks Haruhi why she was missing from the club yesterday. And she said she had to rewalk the entire city path that they did on Saturday. She had to do it all by herself. She wanted to double check to make sure they didn't miss anything. While keon was out fooling around, being.

Speaker A:

A weirdo.

Speaker B:

Having his world flipped upside.

Speaker C:

Down, he found stuff you can't tell her. keon says, like, why don't you just be, like, normal? And he could have rewalked that whole city with a guy and could have been like, a date, kind of like he did but doesn't know he did that. And she says she kind of talks a bit and even kind of says, like, I got my own desires. Like, I'm, you know, still a girl and stuff, but, like, dating is just boring. And, like, I don't want to date a boring person. I want to date someone who's interesting. And she's also like, I just made the SOS brigade. I can't just make something and then go off to do my own stuff and completely ignore it, which is exactly what she did yesterday. And ryuka overhears this and tries to jump into the conversation of like, oh, maybe this and her. He just, like, shuts her down, like, just stops talking anytime someone else appears. And ruka is kind of like, oh, maybe she's in love, and she's, like, going through, like, heartbreak right now or something, and maybe that's why she's in such a funk, such a weird mood. So you get that implication. And then that morning, keon got a note and as Foot Locker saying to go to this.

Speaker B:

I love Foot Locker. All your needs, Foot Locker.

Speaker A:

I just love those dashing uniforms.

Speaker C:

There's one shower just wearing a referee jersey. Just says, I go to this room after school after everyone leaves. So he's just like, all right, guys, I'll do that after school. So after class, he goes to the club, and he's trying to figure out who gave him the note. He said, well, it's not yuki's writing, and it wouldn't be Miracy. And he's just trying to be like, it wouldn't be her. It wouldn't be her. It's not eatsky. He'd just come up and talk to me. There's no one in the club. So I think, all right, that makes sense. And however, he comes in and she starts loading pictures of mikaru in the maid outfit. And she's, like, loading them to the website. He's like, what are you doing? It's like we'll get a bunch of people visiting the site to look at these saucy pictures. He's like, no, you can't do that. Think of her privacy. What? Her who just doesn't understand why that would be a problem. And keon kind of pushes her off the computer and goes to delete all the pictures. He's like, no, you can't do that. Think of why this would be such a problem for her and invading her privacy. Oh, wait. Turns out he didn't delete those pictures. Turns out he took them out of the recycle bin and put them in a secret folder with her name on it. And it's just right there on the desktop. Not subtle at all.

Speaker B:

And he's a nasty boy. A nasty freshman boy in high school.

Speaker A:

It doesn't even freshman boy in high.

Speaker C:

He'S the freshman boy.

Speaker A:

They all nasty.

Speaker C:

But it just so little effort of hiding it like he puts her name on the folder, for fuck's sakes, man.

Speaker B:

He could have called it Bank Statements or something.

Speaker C:

Literally anything besides her name would have.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Totally not pictures of her.

Speaker A:

That would be from the future. That's not for him. That's for the other character. That's from the future.

Speaker C:

All right. The other time traveler. So Harry kind of gets, like, upset and leaves. And then after the club, keon goes to the room that was on the note, and he sees ryuku in there, like, oh, you left me the note. She's like, yeah, I just kind of wanted to ask about Hirou. And since you're, like, the only one who's able to get her to talk and do you ever think about, like, regrets? I didn't write down the line. I showed up. But she's like, saying, it's better to have done something I regretted. That to not have done anything at all. Or no, better to have done something and learned from it than to not have done anything at all and regretted it and stuff like that.

Speaker B:

Something like that.

Speaker C:

Basically saying, like, if we don't ever change anything, everything's going to stay the same. In order to progress things, something has to be different. There has to be some unique factor that pushes the regular stuff off its path. Otherwise, we're just repeating everything. Don't you agree? He's like, I guess, kind of. She's like, cool, great. That's why I'm going to kill you now. He's like, what? And she just lunges at him with a knife. And it's like, oh, shit. I want to see how Harry reacts with you dying. And he's just like, what the fuck? And she's like, flying. I don't know if it's, like, supposed to be just stylized or if she actually is this fast, but like, Rioca just, like, flies out of me. She's just like, oh, Jesus. Like, you're you know, even if that's a rubber knife, you're still, like, freaking me out, like, putting out she's like, oh, no, it's not rubber.

Speaker B:

You think this is a joke? Oh, that's cute.

Speaker C:

This is not. This your life is a joke because I don't understand you creatures. Yeah, she basically says, like, he's like, what are you doing? Like, I don't want to die. She's like, huh, I guess I never really thought about organic life forms. Death weird, and it's just like, oh, okay. She's not human, so she doesn't even understand the concept of death, let alone why you shouldn't be giving it to everyone. And kyo turns around and tries to run out of the room, and the door just changes into a wall, so there's no more exit. And she says, like, oh, yeah, I'm in control of the data around me, so you can't do anything. You can't get out. I got you. It's like, where have we heard that before? And then we see the walls kind of just dissolve, and the whole background just kind of gets this weird black and white swirl, other dimension effect look to it. And as keon's backing away, the room is now just, like, destroyed, and chairs are piled up in corners, and just big chunks of them are blown out. So it's just like, oh, man, everything's changing. And ryuka wants to see a huge explosion of data. She wants to see what happens when there's a big change to haruhi's life. And right as she goes to stab him again, we see a crack appear, just kind of, like, in the wall. And Yuki flies out and grabs a knife. That's where we've heard it before. Yuki was talking about all the data, and we see her grabbing the knife, and even though she's an alien interface robot thing, like, she's still bleeding, so she still got that human body, but she grabs the knife and is defending what an inconvenience. It's such a bother, and you hate.

Speaker A:

To see it happen.

Speaker C:

And Rioko is one of her backups that's acting on her own and kind of saying how she's another one of those interfaces that she warned about that might be more proactive than she is. So that's exactly what's happening. So Yuki says she said she says she suffers, like, the data tie with ryuko, and, like, the knife she had just starts dissolving and, like, gets deleted, and it's when ryuko, like, jumps back. She's like, okay, I don't need the knife. It just starts shooting these, like, energy volleys at her, just these huge energy blasts. Like god damn. We want Dragon Ball Z here. As they're fighting a bit, she goes after kion, and Yuki flies in front of it and just takes about five or six just, like, metal poles, like, through the chest. Like, they just impale her. It's just like oh, goddamn. Like, she got real, and yuki stabs her with these, like, giant energy hand swords. Things like it's just like pure white energy from her hands. Get just shoot into Yuki and stab through her. It's like, oh, damn, they're attacking each other. And when she's able to actually get a hold of it, yuki is able to sever her data link with the data around her. So then everything ryuko was controlling would just start dissolving. And she's like, oh, you weren't trying to fight me. That's why you put your body on the line. You were trying to hack into me and sever my connection. It's like, smart, smart move.

Speaker A:

I'm in.

Speaker B:

Bold move. bye.

Speaker C:

See you. I'll bring your body up so you can get through the back door. And as Rioca is like.

Speaker B:

About that.

Speaker C:

One, chief Rioca is, like, fading away. And she tells keon, like, hey, be careful. There's going to be other people like me because we're bored of shit and we want to see something happen, basically. So be ready.

Speaker A:

It's like, four, three years since anything cool has happened.

Speaker C:

I'm so bored. Please, just a little Joseph warren's like, hey, it might even be yuki's higher ups who get bored and change stuff and change yuki's order. So it might not even be other agents. It might just be anyone. So, like, you ain't safe. Watch your ass. And the room goes back to normal. And when it goes back to normal, rigo is gone. And we see yuki remade the room, she says, but she forgot to make her glasses. And kean's like, oh, don't worry. You're cuter without your glasses. I don't know. The glass is fetish and ice.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Explain. I know much about this world, but not your fucking purviness.

Speaker C:

Not your sexual deviances.

Speaker A:

Don't put please tell me what gets you off.

Speaker B:

I'll download the data.

Speaker C:

There's a lot of it. You're a pervert.

Speaker A:

What are cummies?

Speaker C:

Oh, no.

Speaker B:

All right. How dare you?

Speaker C:

There's my line.

Speaker A:

How dare you?

Speaker B:

Well, that's it. Both I'm here till Thursday.

Speaker A:

Well, we're tearing apart this friendship. Well, I should say I'm tearing this apart.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

I'm having heart palpitations.

Speaker C:

I could see this as, like, a good moment of her getting rid of her classes or changing her look. But it's like the idea of keon being like, oh, you're here without classes. I don't like classes anyway. It's like, you're keown not about you, my man. Not about you.

Speaker A:

What we're doing here?

Speaker C:

Jesus. He's totally normal and plain, except for how massive his fucking ego is, apparently. He's, like, holding yeki on the floor, because even though she survived, she still took, like, a lot of damage. So she's just kind of weak right now. And at that moment, keon's buddy walks in. He's just like, I got to go, and runs out. Because I remember.

Speaker B:

I remember this moment, because he walks in and he goes, what is up? I 4444. Got my bag. Which is so good.

Speaker C:

It was a very good yeah, that was a good line.

Speaker B:

There were a lot of moments where I remember the exact lines. Like, I was sitting there, like, saying them.

Speaker C:

And yeah, so he gets running out, and keon gets like you hear keon, like, in his head. He's like, oh, sorry, mom and dad. If anyone walked in right now, it's all it totally looks like we're doing it. Yeah, they pointed out. And then the next day, Rio Go transferred out mysteriously in the middle of the semester. We had a new transfer student in, and now we're losing a transfer student out. How exciting is that? And haruhi just like loser. goddamn mind. She's just like, so jazzed for this. And this morning, kiano got another note in his locker. And this time, it's from we're at that point where I no longer had know how to say the names even though I'm looking at it and it's written the same way.

Speaker A:

The gradual decline every time.

Speaker C:

Miruku mikuru. mikuru. God, Japanese names are hard to pronounce. mikuru.

Speaker A:

Can we teach you just to write stuff phonetically?

Speaker C:

That won't help.

Speaker B:

It's spelled. It's meku.

Speaker C:

I had the subtitle. I had the subtitles last episode. I know how it's spelled. I'm bad at it.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

And he gets all excited because he's like, ooh, she wants to have a private one on one conversation with me. And he's all hot and bothered because he's a fucking pervert. And when he gets there, he sees her, but she's different. She's clearly older. He's like, oh, hey. She's like, oh, hey, it's me. But me from the future in a different time plane. What up? He's like, what?

Speaker B:

This is normal.

Speaker C:

Yeah, this is totally what happens. And she's like, yeah, it's me. Here, you want proof? And she starts on buttoning your shirt, because of course you do. And she said, look, the only proof I have is there's a mole on my boob. Look at my boobs.

Speaker A:

Please put your face on them. I mean, look.

Speaker C:

Here'S the proof. I'm from the future. Motor boat the shit out of me. He's surprised. He's like, what? I never noticed you had a mole on your boob. She's like, what do you mean? Of course you noticed, because you're the one who told me that I have it. Because I never noticed. And she's like, oh, God, no. And kind of realizing she just, like, kind of made a time paradox. Right now. She's telling something that he told her from the past.

Speaker B:

She says this is before we oh, no. So now he just sit and ponder about the time that he gets to fuck me. kuru.

Speaker C:

I was thinking when we told him, and then he'll tell her past version, and then that's how she'll know. And I thought that was just like, a time loop that was created by her intervening in the past.

Speaker B:

I mean, it's true, but in his brain.

Speaker C:

In his brain. I'm going to see them titties I'm.

Speaker B:

Going to see it.

Speaker C:

Kean asked like, oh, so there's two Mikhurs in this time plane? And she's like, yeah. And I had to come back to tell you something, but other than me, you know, is like, out of lunch right now, so it should be good. But she says, if you're ever in danger and like, big danger, remember the story of Snow White? He's like the doors, poison apple, evil witch, all that. She's like, yeah, remember that? that'll pay off in the future when you're with Haruhi most likely. And whenever that happens, remember it. He's like, what? That's very vague. She's like, yeah, time is weird. And I can't get more detail than that. Sorry. So she kind of gives them this ominous message. And she's like walking around the classroom. She's kind of reflecting on the nostalgia of like, oh, man, I remember this. Bunny off it, and I remember this. And she goes to hug keon and she's like, don't get too friendly with me. And she runs out. And then right before she runs out, kean's like, oh, wait, how old are you now? She's like, classified wink. So we'll call back to that. And as keanu's leaving, he bumps into Yuki. He's like, hey, did you just see the future? And he's like, yeah, I saw her royal today. We talked.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

A little heads up would be nice.

Speaker C:

Yeah, Yuki is basically like, yeah, time travel ain't no big thing. I can't do it right now. But it's pretty simple. He's like, what the fuck? It's cool seeing them interact with their other, like East ki said and other episode. Like, yeah, they're all where everyone else has got their own shit, so it's funny to see them actually interacting right now. And keanu, thanks for saving him yesterday. Then he mentions like he mentions again how better she looks without her glasses. And it's like, yo, stop it. Relax.

Speaker A:

Quit fixating, bro.

Speaker C:

Calm down. Not about you. Also, the girl that is into you could destroy the fabric of reality in a second if she throws a tantrum.

Speaker A:

So like, who maybe like, learn to have some chill.

Speaker C:

And then Haruhi is mad that that keon wasn't helping her with linking up what happened yesterday to ryoko, like about her being transferred out. And she, like, went to Canada apparently. And all this other, like, very vague stuff where it's like, something's up, something's something suspicious as a photo we got in a mystery gang. And she, like, sees them in a hallway and like, grabs him by the collar and drags them. She's like, you're investigating shit with me now? Like, you don't have a choice anymore because something weird is happening. Meanwhile, he just talked to like, a future version of his friend and got to a weird robot alien fight and stuff. He's like, okay, yeah, let's look at the fucking school records or whatever. And that's episode four.

Speaker B:

Yeah, this show is so fun because it's like all this supernatural wild shit happening to a guy that really doesn't care about it. Literally sitting in front of a girl who wishes it would happen to her.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

I think the biggest adjustment we see from other shows is he is just super accepting and chill. We don't get the freak out of what is my life anymore. He's just like, yeah, there's time travelers. All right, I got to get to class.

Speaker C:

Yeah. He's not pushing, like, a giant tentacled alien back into the closet to hide it from his parents. Don't come in. She's like, yeah, fucking whatever. Let's see what happens today. So I guess it's good that he's so cynical and burnt out in the beginning of the episode or beginning of the show.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it actually works in the character's favor, for one.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So how are you guys feeling about it? Did I do it? Are we there?

Speaker C:

Let's go first.

Speaker A:

All right. I was liking it. I liked the first two episodes we watched because it was sort of a calmer introduction, because we typically like, Yuki yuna is a hero. The supernatural elements are just, like, thrust upon the main characters, and they have to accept it in a moment as they are fighting the big monster. But having this we had an episode buffer to be like, hey, this isn't a normal club. I am a robot alien. I am a time traveler. I am a psychic expert. And we sort of get that gradual transition in and then just episode four, once that's established, we have that inciting fight from the other robot. So I did like the pacing to ease us into it, rather than no time to explain. We're fighting this robot now.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Yes. I'd agree with all that. I think if we watched episode two, seeing what happened in three and four, episode two seems like it might have just been, like, another slice of life, like, establishing episode. So it's probably a good call to skip that one and just jump right into the meat of it with these two.

Speaker A:

Yeah, we really didn't miss out on much. We got that they started talking about how Yuki is an alien, but that was about it. I don't feel like we had missing information.

Speaker B:

No, you just didn't get to see me. kuru in her bunny costume. That's it.

Speaker A:

I'm fine with yeah.

Speaker C:

But yeah, before watching this, I knew there was an alien, and I knew there was, like, a psychic, but that's kind of all I really knew, and I thought it was the two friends. I didn't know it's. aki was as well, in that group, so I knew pieces of this show, but it was also segmented and just so disjointed. I could never really piece together what the plot was. And yeah, like I said, anything I've seen of it seemed really, like, high energy and upbeat. Like Harvey He. We see in episode, like, later of episode three and then episode four and seeing her in episode one being so kind of stoic and serious, kind of like, oh, what happened? This is not what I was expecting. But then even when she is recruiting people and saying like, oh, we need the moe character, we need the new transfer student, it's clear that she's supposed to be portrayed as kind of like a manga. Like, otaku is kind of just a nerd and following our story tropes, but it seems like it's also setting up the show to be in itself a parody of other anime and like, jokingly like, we got this trope, we got that trope, we got this trope, and kind of like poking fun at those as well. So I wasn't prepared for that. And I was delightfully surprised that that was part of the show as well. I enjoyed it more than I thought it was.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I will say, just because I never watched so this is just the first season. The first season is 13 episodes. I've never seen the second season or the movie. There's a movie, I think it's called The Disappearance of hariji suzumiya. But as the show goes on, there are definitely episodes that are, like, funny and I guess majority of it is kind of what you just described, but there are also episodes that feel much more serious, like when the Snow White thing comes into play. Like, that episode is like a serious episode where something scary is happening. So I would just say that you can't expect that from the whole season. And that's just like a warning for if you wanted to keep watching it. But, yeah, I love this show a lot. I didn't think I would still because I watched it when I was so young, that I think it was just like that thing of like, oh, this is the first anime that I'm so in love with. Whatever. But it's like a good show. I was really pleasantly surprised watching it now and being like, oh, this isn't bad. This is actually good. Unlike Black Butler and stuff like that.

Speaker A:

So rarely can you look back at the media you grew up watching and have it hold up.

Speaker B:

Yeah, this is like, a good show. So I'm happy.

Speaker C:

Yeah, looking back, dragon Ball Z, like, as iconic as it is, it's massive franchise. It's not great. It's really not great. You can cut out like 70% of that series and be fine. Damn it's. There's a lot of filler, but yeah, it's the show still holds up. And I think there's you said first season has 13 episodes. I think there's two seasons and then there's like a spin off series where it's like, hazaru, here it is. I hit my limit.

Speaker A:

Harold, Harry.

Speaker C:

Chan, Susan mia seem to be like spin off series.

Speaker B:

It's like a comedy where they're like all cheebe.

Speaker C:

Oh, okay.

Speaker B:

Yeah, cool. Yeah, I'm glad you guys enjoyed it.

Speaker A:

I'm having a fun time.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

I didn't mention this, but especially in the second episode, I was liking how they were treating the narration to it. It felt very much like an American TV show where the narration does fill in some of the gaps, but it feels earned and not info dumpy. Yeah, like I was getting sort of the jd's inner monologue.

Speaker B:

I was going to say jd.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it adds to it. It makes it fun, but it isn't like, oh, this is a shortcut, so we don't need to do more in story storytelling.

Speaker C:

Yeah, that's a good point.

Speaker B:

Never thought yeah, I had a good time.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

We all have. So glad.

Speaker C:

Check this little one off in the yes. Calm. Oh, man, that broke the streak.

Speaker B:

Oh, no. darn it. Of all the anime that dugan didn't like.

Speaker C:

No, I'm saying it's good. I just didn't realize we were on a loot sheet for a while.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it's been real negative up till this point.

Speaker B:

Bring it back to the good shit.

Speaker A:

So I picked a show for next week. We're in those blazing days of summer.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

It's too damn hot. And it's going to heat up even more next week as we watch Fire Force.

Speaker C:

This is a new anime this season.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I just heard about that yesterday.

Speaker A:

Yeah, the dubs have just started coming out early July. It's still pretty new, fresh. But yeah, it's about anime firefighters.

Speaker C:

I don't know what the fuck this show is about. I'm seeing like screen grabs and like, different characters and there's like nuns and witches and I am confused. I looked up.

Speaker A:

But I love it.

Speaker C:

It's nuts.

Speaker B:

How exciting.

Speaker A:

So, yeah, we'll just watch the first three episodes.

Speaker C:

Simple enough.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

And thank you for joining us. If there's a show you would like us to watch, you can reach out to us on Twitter and Instagram at Are we There Yet? On both. You can find me on Twitter and Instagram at Mr. Patrick dugan.

Speaker B:

You can find me on Instagram at queen. Period weebu and on Twitter at queen underscore weebu and Queen underscore Weebu art.

Speaker C:

You can find me on Twitter at abts. Brendan stands for Almost Better Than Silence, which is a video game podcast I do.

Speaker A:

I also completely missed plugging our email if you want to send in submissions that way. Are we there Thank you to camille Ruling for our artwork. And thank you to Louisong for themed song stories off the album Beats. You can find all of Louis music at Louisong Thank you and we hope you'll join us next week as we learn to live with anime.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Don't date a time traveler.

Speaker A:

Marty mcfly. No.

Episode Notes

All you NORMIES out there better not listen, this episode is for ALIENS, TIME TRAVELERS, AND ESPERS ONLY!! We watch The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya!

Twitter: @Areweebthereyet

Instagram: @areweebthereyet


Thank you:

Camille Ruley for our Artwork

Louie Zong for our Themesong "stories"

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